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Did you Choose The Right 10mm Brush Strip Manufacturer? AOQUN

Did you Choose The Right 10mm Brush Strip Manufacturer? AOQUN


Although in early 2020, China and even some countries in the world were not spared from this new coronavirus COVID-19. At the moment of the COVID-19, the Chinese people are united as one. Since the State Council issued an order, all Chinese party members rushed to the front-line making contributions to compatriots and the country. Doctors and nurses work day and night, for the treatment of infected siblings. The 10mm brush strip manufacturer (Aoqun) takes the lead in the COVID-19 and actively implements prevention and control measures to cooperate with the country. To carry out COVID-19 prevention and control, to protect the health of employees, comprehensive choice to delay the start of construction.

10mm Brush Strip

However, the economy needs development and life needs to move forward. Under the guidelines of the Party Central Committee and effective prevention and control measures in various provinces and cities, the COVID-19 situation has been alleviated, and companies have begun to resume work. As a manufacturer of 10mm brush strips, Aoqun Under the guidance, prevention and control measures have been prepared in advance. Before the resumption of work, documents for COVID-19 prevention and control measures have been prepared, publicized to each employee, issued masks, paid attention to the daily health of employees, and conducted online training. The personnel who enter the factory enter into the process temperature test and disinfection, and sterilize the unshipped and produced 10mm brush strips and packaged goods to ensure that our products are safe and responsible to ourselves and customers.

10mm Brush Strip

As a 10mm brush strip manufacturer, Aoqun has a huge production scale and strict and orderly supplier management. It has a systematic management of materials and has sufficient material supply and production capacity. Even if the resumption is delayed, it can still meet the requirements. Some customers' urgent delivery period can also meet the delivery within three days.

Aoqun is a large-scale 10mm brush strip manufacturer based on people and talking about quality.

10mm Brush Strip

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